Who we are
The NN Cannery History Project is a grassroots collaboration between Alaska historians, museum curators, community members and Trident Seafoods to collect, preserve and share the stories of the “cannery people”: the company personnel, local residents, Native groups, commercial fishermen, and chiefly, the cannery workers, whose important, although often ignored, activities are reflected by and embedded in the industrial landscape contained within the historic NN Cannery property at South Naknek, Alaska.
Our project not only strives to document the mechanical method of canning salmon implemented in canneries across Alaska, but is dedicated to preserving, documenting and sharing the stories of the multitudes of people who conducted such activities, and created an ethnically diverse, economically vital, cannery workforce and culture…They are simply known as the Cannery Worker.
The NN Cannery Project Team on location in the Fish House documenting research to support the Nomination.
It Takes a Village
Insert a basic overview of significant contributions to culture that are the product of cannery life ie. Alaskero Poetry, Filipino Theater Production, Music, Libby MugUp Video, etc...The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, malis postulant mediocritatem eam an, sed ut oratio labores postulant, et usu sonet latine. Quas aeque explicari ne pro. Et alii deserunt eos, eum possit partiendo complectitur ne.
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Tell Your Story
Insert a general overview of the contributions people can make to the project here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, malis postulant mediocritatem eam an, sed ut oratio labores postulant, et usu sonet latine. Quas aeque explicari ne pro. Et alii deserunt eos, eum possit partiendo complectitur ne. Ut eum ferri summo, te vel numquam lucilius voluptaria, elitr populo commune no mei. Ne eius viderer similique his, dicit oporteat torquatos an usu.