How to Support the Project

Image Permissions Donated by Denise Statz

Image Permissions Donated by Denise Statz


Your Contributions Matter

The NN Cannery History Project is a collaboration between Alaska historians, curators, filmmakers, cultural bearers and salmon canners to collect, preserve and share the stories of the cannery people—the company personnel, local residents, Native groups, commercial fishermen, and chiefly, the cannery workers—whose activities are reflected by and embedded in the industrial landscape contained within the historic NN Cannery property at South Naknek, Alaska. 

We are asking for donations to Alaska Association for Historic Preservation, (the project's nonprofit fiduciary administrator) to reach the following goals:  

1) Complete the <NN> Cannery National Register of Historic Places nomination,
2) Launch an oral history project designed to share the narratives from the cannery workscape,
3) Develop a traveling exhibit "Mug Up," in collaboration with the Alaska State Museum and the local Bristol Bay community, so that the stories of cannery people can be better understood and valued by the general public.

You can also support the Alaska Association for Historic Preservation when you shop on Amazon Smile or enroll for Fred Meyer Community Rewards. Alaska friends can also consider a donating when you apply for your 2018 Permanent Fund Dividend. Thank you for supporting preservation efforts in Alaska's historic places.


AAHP was established in 1982 and is dedicated to the preservation of Alaska's prehistoric and historic resources. They partner and advocate for organizations,  projects and legislation efforts around the state to preserve and protect the historic landmarks and properties around the state of Alaska.

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