Digital Storytelling
The <NN> Cannery History Project aims to work in collaboration with preserve, interpret and convey to the public the importance of the canned salmon industry in Alaska. Our proposed outcomes are threefold:
1) Listing the <NN> cannery complex in the National Register of Historical Places.
2) The curation of a major exhibition that will travel throughout Alaska and the Pacific Slope, and eventually return to Bristol Bay.
3) The development a digital storytelling format to FILL IN THE BLANK HERE.
Filming onsite at the NN Cannery in South Naknek, Alaska.
Developing sustainable curriculum
The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, malis postulant mediocritatem eam an, sed ut oratio labores postulant, et usu sonet latine. Quas aeque explicari ne pro. Et alii deserunt eos, eum possit partiendo complectitur ne. Ut eum ferri summo, te vel numquam lucilius voluptaria, elitr populo commune no mei. Ne eius viderer similique his, dicit oporteat torquatos an usu.
Pri solum numquam ea, at eos vidit utinam, mei eu vivendum indoctum. Amet consetetur no mel, sed decore euripidis eu, cu constituto dissentiet complectitur ius. Ea quas affert fierent mea, quem quaerendum quo et. Putent referrentur neglegentur sed ad, no quot posse splendide sea, ius an ludus vidisse. No soleat lucilius mei, no per rebum ancillae. Odio dolorem ad cum, et tamquam adipiscing inciderint qui.
Documenting the Undocumented
Insert a general overview of the significance of the digital storytelling here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, malis postulant mediocritatem eam an, sed ut oratio labores postulant, et usu sonet latine. Quas aeque explicari ne pro. Et alii deserunt eos, eum possit partiendo complectitur ne. Ut eum ferri summo, te vel numquam lucilius voluptaria, elitr populo commune no mei. Ne eius viderer similique his, dicit oporteat torquatos an usu.