Trident Seafoods | Stewards of a Legacy

In 1995, Trident took over sole operation of the South Naknek Cannery. Today, Trident Seafoods is the largest seafood company in the United States and manages a network of fishing ships, processing plants, and a vertically integrated distribution system for its products. Trident understands the connection between the oceans, fishermen, and fish that produces products “from the source to the plate.” They believe that “fishermen are their core” and “fish is our

The company’s enthusiastic endorsement of the <NN> Cannery History Project demonstrates that they understand that the cannery’s closure in 2015 severely impacted the local community. Collaboration will help mend and strengthen the community’s relationship with the region’s largest employer. Moreover, participatory history turns potential looters or vandals into stewards—vigilant protectors of the past. It is our hope that, by highlighting the role of cannery work, the project will encourage Trident to equally value the cannery worker alongside the fishermen, and together, Trident and Tundra Vision, can establish a model for other private owners and local stakeholders to preserve and manage historic/cultural properties.

This is the exterior view of the Fish House from the dock.

This is the exterior view of the Fish House from the dock.

LaRece Egli